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- Brian S. Pratt
Shades of the past ms-6 Page 5
Shades of the past ms-6 Read online
Page 5
The tunnel they find themselves in is moving down a gradual slope, the floor of the tunnel is uneven to say the least. The further they advance down it, the more water is collected upon the floor. At one point the pools of water begin to turn into a small stream flowing along the base of the tunnel.
“Barric, Aria!” cries the father again, but only silence returns. Worried, he continues following behind James and Jiron.
The tunnel they’re moving through comes to an abrupt end at a steep, downward shaft descending into darkness. The water flowing along the bottom of the passage goes over the edge and can be heard as it cascades down into the darkness below. As soon as Jiron and James both reach the edge, the father sees them stop and asks, “What’s wrong?”
“The way continues down a deep shaft,” James explains. The shaft is even narrower than the tunnel which they’ve been following, barely two, maybe three feet in diameter. The sides are rough and afford many handholds which could be used in climbing down.
Upon reaching the shaft, the father looks down into the depths with dread. “Barric, Aria!” he shouts into the opening. After a moment’s silence, from below comes a barely heard female’s voice, “Father!”
“That’s Aria!” he exclaims, hope springing to life. “Are you okay?” he shouts down.
“I think Barric’s dead,” she says with a sob.
Miko comes to the fore and asks Jiron, “Do you still have that rope?”
He nods as he lifts his shirt to show the coil of rope secured around his waist.
“Let me have it,” he says and ties one end around his middle after Jiron hands it to him. “Hold on tight and don’t let go,” he tells him as he moves to the edge of the shaft.
“What are you doing?” James asks as he places a hand on his arm.
“What I have to,” he says. Removing James’ restraining hand, he starts climbing down the shaft. To Aria below he says, “Hold on, I’m coming.” Handhold to handhold he works his way down.
James comes to help Jiron in maintaining supportive tension on the rope as Miko slowly makes his way down. After he passes into the darkness, a white light suddenly springs into being and they are able to see him as he continues working his way down.
“Where did that come from?” Jiron asks James when the light appears. There isn’t any source for the light that they can make out, it just seems to be there.
“I’m not sure, maybe from the Star,” he says. Jiron nods his head in understanding.
Miko continues to work his way down the shaft, the water cascading around him soon has him drenched. At one point a rock gives way and he begins sliding uncontrollably to the bottom but is stopped by the rope. Jiron and James hold the rope steady until he has a chance to regain his foothold.
When the light appeared he was slightly surprised, not knowing where it came from. It bothered him at first, but then the light brought him peace and a sense of purpose. Giving it no more thought, he continued working his way down, one handhold at a time.
Before Jiron’s rope is completely played out, he reaches a cavern. Fortunately, the shaft enters the cavern against one wall and he’s able to work his way down the wall to the bottom. A large pool of water sits directly beneath the opening forcing him to work his way laterally along the wall in order to reach the edge of the pool.
“Father?” a girl’s voice comes from further into the cavern.
Miko reaches the edge of the pool and comes to stand on the cavern’s floor. Looking into the cavern, he sees a young girl of about sixteen sitting twenty feet away. Cradled in her lap is the head of a young man of about eighteen. Around the lad’s head a cloth has been tied as well as two other bandages, one on his leg and another around his chest. His clothing in those areas is soaked with blood “No, I’m not your father,” he says as he unties the rope from around him and goes over to them. Looking up the shaft, he hollers, “I’m down and I found them!”
“Who are you?” she asks.
“You can call me Miko,” he replies.
“Is she okay?” her father’s voice comes from above.
Miko glances to her and sees her nod her head. “I think so, give me a minute.” Coming closer, he kneels down beside her to examine her brother. Next to her on the rock he can see what’s left of three candles which she must have had with her when this all happened.
“Where is the light coming from?” she asks him, a little bit of fear edging into her voice.
As he puts his ear to her brother’s chest, he replies, “That’s kind of hard to explain.” He then puts a finger to his lips indicating for her to keep quiet and she nods her head. Trying to tune out the background noises such as the water cascading down the shaft into the pool, her breathing and the sound of his own heartbeat, he listens for the boy’s.
Very faint, but his heartbeat is there. “He’s alive,” he says. “But his life is leaving him.”
“Oh, Barric!” she cries, holding her brother tighter.
Miko reaches into his pouch and produces the Star of Morcyth. The light within the cavern suddenly increases tenfold as its brilliance shines forth.
“What’s happening?” her father hollers down from above when the light from the Star reaches them.
Ignoring his question, Miko holds aloft the Star in his right hand and lays his other upon Barric’s chest. Aria looks in awe at him as he closes his eyes and his lips begin to move silently.
No sooner do his lips begin to move than a glow surrounds him and extends toward her brother. Gasping in shock, she begins to recoil from the approaching glow but then her fears melt away as a calmness comes over her.
As the glow continues to envelope both Miko and her brother, she sees her father emerge through the opening in the ceiling. “Father!” she whispers urgently, glad to have him again with her.
Coming to stand on the floor of the cavern by the pool, he turns to see his son enveloped by the Star’s glow. Rushing over, afraid of what may be happening to his son, he makes to push Miko away.
“No father,” his daughter says, holding up a hand. “He’s alive.” She nods to Miko and adds, “I think he’s a priest.”
Looking down at his son, blood soaked and for all the world looking as if he’s already passed to the other side, he holds little hope for his survival.
Others begin entering through the opening, first James and then Jiron who has left the rope in the hands of two of the other farmers. They make their way over to the others and arrive just as Barric’s chest begins to rise and fall on its own.
“He’s breathing!” his father exclaims. Looking to his daughter, he can see his hope and joy reflected in her eyes.
Another few minutes and the glow suddenly disappears, the only light now in the cavern is that of James’ orb. Barric’s eyes flutter open and he looks around at those standing around him.
Miko gets to his feet and returns the Star to its pouch. “How can I ever repay you?” the father says to Miko as his son begins to sit up.
“There is nothing to repay,” he tells him.
James comes and pats him on the back, “Good job.”
“Thanks,” he replies. Then to the boy’s father he says, “He should be okay now, but will need many days of rest before he’ll fully recover.”
“What temple do you belong to?” the father asks. “I would like to go and give my thanks and make an offering.”
Miko looks surprised and glances to James. James just shrugs and allows Miko to handle this on his own. Turning back to the father, he says, “I don’t really belong to any temple. The healing of your son was done by the power of the god Morcyth.”
“Morcyth?” the father asks. “Don’t think I know of him, but tonight I shall pray to him and offer my thanks for the life of my son.”
“Maybe we need to start thinking about getting everyone out of here,” Jiron suggests.
“Yes,” the father agrees. He offers his son a hand and helps him to his feet. Barric has to lean h
eavily upon his father as his legs have very little strength left.
Lifting his hand to his forehead, Barric scratches and the cloth covering his head falls away. His sister gasps when she sees the pink line where a jagged tear had been but a day before. “It’s healed!” she exclaims.
“Of course it’s healed,” her father says. “That’s what priests do.”
At that, Miko turns to James and silently mouths, ‘Priest?’
James simply grins and pats him on the back.
Using the rope, they help the brother and sister up to the top first, then the father. James climbs up next and Jiron follows last. They make their way along the sloping passage, the father and another farmer helping Barric along. At the opening, the two dogs greet Barric and Aria with barks and attempts to jump on them but the farmer holding their leash keeps them at a distance.
On the way back down the mountain, Aria explains that this cave is a favorite of theirs. They’ve been here many times before but this time while descending the shaft, Barric slipped and fell.
“Why didn’t you come get help?” her father asks.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “But I didn’t want him to die all alone and in the dark.” Then she lays her head on his shoulder and begins to release the pent up worry and sorrow she’s been feeling since that fateful fall. Her sobs last quite awhile, almost lasting until they reach the camp where Illan and the others are waiting.
Most everyone is still awake, worried about what was going on. Devin hears them coming and calls out, “They’re back.”
As Illan comes forward, he sees the two kids walking with them, Aria clutched to her father and Barric supported between two of the farmers. “Good work,” he says to James with a smile.
James turns to the father and says, “You are all welcome to share our fire this night.”
Shaking his head, he replies, “Thank you, but no. Our farm is but an hour away and I think it would be best to return and put him to bed. Their mother is beside herself with worry too and I would hate to extend her misery any longer than I have to.”
“I understand,” James says. Extending his hand, he adds, “Good luck to you.”
Taking it, the father says, “You too.” Then to Miko he comes over, extends his hand but then reconsiders and gives him a hug. “Thank you so much for my son,” he says softly. When he releases Miko from the embrace, tears can be seen at the corners of his eyes. At that, he and the others turn and make their way back down the road toward their home.
Chapter Four
“So what happened?” Illan asks after the villagers leave. Everyone gathers around as James, Jiron and Miko take turns relating the events as transpired upon and within the mountain. When Miko comes to the part where he heals Barric and is named priest by the father, he falls quiet.
“What’s the matter?” Yern asks him.
“I…I don’t think I am a priest,” he says. “Just because I have the Star doesn’t make me one.” He looks to James and asks, “Does it?”
James takes a long look at him while he contemplates the answer. The shade of the dead priest of Morcyth had stipulated the glow only manifests for priests of Morcyth and the glow manifested for Miko. Did that make him a priest? Finally he says, “I think by the broadest definition of a priest, you are. A priest calls upon his god and things happen, such as when you use the Star to heal people.”
“But, I don’t feel like a priest,” he says, slightly scared. “You once named me a warrior priest of Dmon-Li. Now am I a priest of Morcyth? Am I both?”
“Maybe simply being in possession of the Star enables him to tap into the god’s power without actually being a priest,” Scar says. “In fact, Potbelly and I once ran into…”
James stops him with a wave and says, “Not now.”
Becoming quiet, Scar glances around and sees that no one was paying him much attention anyway.
To Miko, James says, “If you are, you are. There’s not a whole lot you can do about it right now.” He takes in Miko’s demeanor and asks, “Does it bother you to be so named?”
After a moment’s thought, he shakes his head. “No,” he says. “A name is just that, a name. I have made no vows of priesthood so I can’t consider myself one.”
“These are the sort of things other priests should discuss with you,” Illan says. Then to all those gathered he adds, “But the night is waning and if we are to get any rest before heading out in the morning, we best turn in now.”
“You’re right,” James says and they break up, each heading to their tents except those currently on watch.
Miko walks with James and asks quietly, “Do you really think I am a priest?”
“Yes, Miko,” he admits. “In one way or another, I do.”
They walk the rest of the way in silence until James’ tent is before them. Pausing before the entrance, Miko says goodnight too. As he moves toward his tent, a smile comes to him and he absentmindedly rubs the Star where it rests in the pouch.
The following morning, with the sun breaking through fluffy, white clouds, they get underway with James and Illan in the lead. The group continues down the road as it meanders its way through the foothills, never straying very far from the mountains.
Refugees from the south stream past in intermittent groups, those fleeing the impending conflict when the Empire makes its push for Lythylla and the north. The few they do speak to tell them the Empire has already made probing attacks on the defenders at Lythylla but have yet to commit their entire force. One man tells them that before he left, the force outside the walls of Lythylla had grown to over five thousand with more arriving every day.
“Grim news indeed,” Illan comments to James after the man continues on.
Nodding, James hopes what he brought can win the day against so many. He had thought to face perhaps a thousand, maybe two. But five thousand? “We can but do our best,” he says with more confidence than he feels. The outcome will primarily depend upon how many mages they have. If but one or two, he should be fine. They have yet to put more than that with any force he’s encountered so far and it isn’t like they’re expecting him to show up or anything.
The end of the day finds them approaching a small town nestled in a small valley in the hills. “Yeln,” Illion tells them as the town comes into view. They set up camp south of town in the lee of a hill.
While preparations are underway to set up the tents and get the horses settled in, a family is seen traveling from the south. Illan takes notice with keen interest and says to James, “Be right back.”
James nods his head and watches Illan move to intercept them. When he’s crossed half the distance, an older gentleman disengages himself from the others and moves quickly to meet him. “Looks like he knows them,” he says.
Miko comes over and stands with him as he watches the two men. When they come together, they exchange a hearty handshake and then stand there in conversation for several minutes.
The man’s family leaves the road and joins the two men. A woman places her hand on Illan’s shoulder and he gives her a hug. Suddenly, Illan releases her and stands erect. A few more words are exchanged before he turns and returns to where they have all but finished settling in. Behind him, the family returns to the road and continues making their way north, eventually entering Yeln.
As Illan approaches, they begin to take note of the expression on his face. Many of the recruits have been on the receiving end of that expression through some infraction or other they had the misfortune to make during their training. All hope never to see it directed at them for it means dire consequences. The fact that he’s wearing it now can only be bad.
James and Miko make their way to him and James asks, “What’s wrong?”
When he nears them he comes to a stop. In a voice quivering in rage, he says, “My wife is dead.”
“What?” exclaims Miko.
“How?” asks James. He glances over his shoulder and sees Devin already has his tent ready for him. Turning back t
o Illan he says, “Let’s go to my tent and you can explain.”
Illan nods and stalks forward toward James’ tent. On the way James catches Jiron and Delia’s eye and indicates for them to come along as well.
Devin comes forward, sees the expression on Illan’s face and stops in his tracks. His heart begins beating again when he realizes it’s not directed at him. He glances to James who says, “Make sure we’re not disturbed for anything.”
Nodding silently, Devin moves to the tent flap and holds it open for them to enter. Once they’re all in, he closes it and takes position outside.
“What’s going on?” Delia asks as she looks to James.
He nods to Illan and remains silent. All eyes turn to Illan as he stands there in silence for a full minute. Then in a voice cracking with sorrow and anger, he explains. “My wife is dead. Our son and his family taken. Everything my family has is gone!”
Delia gasps and Miko asks, “How?”
Illan turns his gaze to James and says, “Things have gone ill in Seastar.”
Seastar. The last time they were in Seastar, they had freed a captain from jail in order to reach the far side of the Sea in short order. “It’s not because of the captain is it?” he asks.
Nodding, Illan replies, “Yes it is. Remember that man whom the captain hit, Lord Faetherton?” When James nods, he continues. “Seems he found out who it was that took the captain from the jail, nothing stays hidden in a small town. From what my friend said, it didn’t take him long to extract his revenge on the only ones available.”
“Your family,” says James in sorrow.
Illan nods. “That’s right. Through means legal and foul, he ousted Harlan from the Magistrate’s office and basically took over the town. From then it was fairly easy for him to jail my wife, my son and his family. He then took our lands and all our possessions as reparations for taking the captain.”
“How could he get away with all this?” Jiron asks, not believing what he’s hearing. “Shouldn’t the guards or even the townsfolk have done something?”
“With the war going on, all able bodied men are down south,” he explains. “There was no one left to stand against him but old men and young boys. He’s acquired a score or so of toughs who keep the people in line and none now dare gainsay his wishes.”